Thursday, February 26, 2009

Someone got screwed at the airport...and it WASN'T me.

So, my friend called me this morning from Atlanta where he was on a pointless business trip. The main story he shared that I wanted to pass on was about a 'buddy trip.' There were two guys flying as friends of someone that worked for the airline and they were trying to get onto a flight with one free seat. The last part of this conversation my friend overheard was them talking about who they knew in the airline.

He boards the plane and takes a seat just behind first class. He's there for a few minutes when someone comes on the plane and informs one of the first-class passengers (FIRST CLASS!) that he needs to leave the plan to speak to TSA about the rifle that he has checked on the plane. He was apparently on a hunting trip. His bags had been removed from the plane and he and his wife left with security.

Just after this the ticket woman brings aboard the two buddy trip guys. They take the two first class seats and my friend overhears the woman saying "Are you crazy? I could lose my job for doing this!" Two coach passengers are offered the first class seats and move up and the buddy passengers take their seats in the rear. So, yeah, she screwed over some guy with the TSA and make him miss his flight. Remember that if security pulls you from your plane for no adequate reason.

1 comment:

Ro-Beast Rollie said...

Holy shit. What airline?